Preparing your tobacco
Before placing the tobacco into the pipe, it will have to be cut
into pieces. With a sharp knife, begin slicing off smaller pieces, or carefully
shaving off flakes. Depending on which method you choose, your next steps will
be slightly different. If you decide to flake your tobacco, you can then choose
from any of the methods we focused on in: “Smoking Flake Tobacco - What You Need To Know.” Whether you choose
to roll it or fold it is up to you, as long as you’re careful in making sure
the tobacco does not go over the rim of your pipe. Want to slice it? No problem.
It may seem complicated, but it’s actually a breeze. Make sure to use a cutting
tool with smooth edges, and to always slice your tobacco with the grain. This
is important due to the layers within your tobacco. Each layer is a different
type of tobacco, and going with the grain allows you to create an overall
better texture. At the end of the process you’ll be left with the perfect
combination of flavors, and a delicious blend.
The fun part - smoking
your tobacco
Once you’ve completed all of the upfront work, you’ll then be
able to load the flakes or slices into the pipe. Regardless of which method
you’ve chosen to break down the plug, it is always best to be aware of how much
you’re loading into the pipe at once. Putting too much tobacco into the pipe
will ultimately give off less flavor, and may even be difficult to light.
Finding the perfect plug is not always an easy task, but
definitely worth it. The layers are full of flavors that perfectly compliment
one another, creating a blend that surely won't disappoint. Find the right Plug
tobacco for you, and get started!