Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Filtered cigars as inexpensive alternative to value pipe tobacco after expected tax increase

It's not a surprise for many that government is trying to put an end on value pipe tobacco. There's a bill for raising tax on pipe tobacco similar to what was done to RYO tobacco in the past

Tax increase for RYO has practically killed this type of tobacco and shifted the industry towards less rigorously taxed alternative labeled as pipe tobacco.

The bill means that value pipe tobacco era may be coming to an end within a year or maybe even sooner.

What should people do after this happens?

Filtered cigars are a another category of products remains relatively inexpensive... for now. Our rough estimates show that with current pipe tobacco prices the cost of supplies needed to roll your own carton (200 cigarettes) is just $2-$3 lower than an inexpensive carton of filtered cigars:


Once pipe tobacco tax increases, filtered cigars will become the cheapest option of all.

Luckily, most of pipe tobacco manufacturers offer similarly branded filtered cigars. To be honest with you, I don't know if smoking experience remains the same, but it's worth trying a filtered cigar considering that a carton of cigarettes is 5 times more expensive.


  1. A better direction for future planning as far as serving the RYO/MYO community would be to look at whole leaf. If "little cigars" were an option for most of us, we wouldn't be going through the trouble of making our own in the first place. The next logical step for us would be to buy various types of whole leaf tobacco, shred it, and blend it to achieve what we want and continue stuffing/rolling our own.


    1. Thanks for the info DougE, is an alternative worth looking into for sure.

  2. I have switched from rolling cigarettes at a dollar per pack to smoking tiny filtered cigars at $7.49 per carton. I couldn't be happier. I'm just hoping that they don't impose any big new taxes on these things. Anybody know anything about pending tax scenarios that may cause that to happen?

  3. no one ever admits to voting for osamabama but he keeps winning b/c of welfare addicts. our entire government needs to be eliminated.

    1. ,,,I wouldn't listen to anyone who hangs out in Russian circles ,,,Like you do Liny ,,,( According to your profile ) ,,,

    2. I agree with you completely Liny! and I don't know what Roy Mckenzies problem is with Russia. After Putin put Osamabomba in check, I think I would prefer to hang out with you and your Russian circle than Roy and his ignorant type.

    3. I'm with you Liny and Jim! I'd hang out with you two any day.

    4. I am with you Liny, Jim and Stalker! Roy is a moron...


    6. Liny Speaks the truth!. Liny for president in 2016. you will have a lot of cleaning up to do after the obummer years!

  4. Supreme and Clipper cigars are made by the same company and they could not be more different! While Supreme cigars cost more than that of Clipper, the latter is available in more number of flavors. Overall,, both Supreme and Clippers filter cigars are favorites of smokers all around the country.

  5. That is a really great price on little cigars - You guys are really doing well.

  6. I placed several orders over the years; however this time we orders a small bag of this $2.00 item to try it. While on the site it stated this item was available. I went on vacation. Coming home the order should have been there it was NOT. An e-mail had been sent which stated the item was not available the $2.00 item. I called to find out why the didn't just send the rest and to have the order expedited as we needed it. The girls who answered the phone was very rude, when I ask for a manager she placed me on hold for 1/2an hour then she hung up. I then received an e-mail stating she canceled the order. I have ask for a manager to call and sent several e-mails. Be careful with this company as they don't care about customer service.

  7. We went from smoking Newports, to USAs, to Senecas, to rolling our own....we are now smoking Smoker's best and after a bit of adjustment to the flavor, save about $8 a pack....
    Really, if you're going to kill yourself smoking, why pay a fortune to do so? :)

  8. This is just complete bullsh*t. We, as a collective, have accepted that the criminals in Washington have some God-like right to tax (violate... tax is violence) every aspect of our lives. They send their armed goons (police and military) to strong-arm us into compliance. And we finance all this... is this logical? I mean, they tell us they serve us, but where do we see this?

  9. Tax and spend (waste) our money (they really believe it's there money) and then they waste more and more. (they use the canard "invest"). I've worked for 43 years and paid my taxes and I have not ask for or gotten one penny in social program benefits, Obama would say the government was completely responsible for me to be able to make a living and if it wasn't for the government I would be living in poverty,B.S. I'm sick of the taxes and our thieving government. When the majority of the populace feel the taxes are usury and that the taxes are being spent against their best interest then the tax revolt will manifest itself . The sooner the better........A tax libertarian from California

  10. When we stop the politicians from getting rich on our tax dollars there will be no need to invent new taxes...


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